Meet Melissa
Melissa Robertson has always enjoyed taking pictures and writing. In 2016, she made the commitment to write a book that would shine God’s love through her life’s story. It wasn’t until 2018 that God made clear the direction He wanted to take Melissa and her book. Her snowflake photography became an inspiration to write God’s story.
As Melissa writes her books, she humbly gives all credit back to God. She feels that she is solely a vessel that God has chosen to see and share His redemption and love through the use of snowflakes. He has written and inspired all words within the book, as many are directly from His scriptures. He allowed her life events to happen the way that they have to bring her to the place of writing and photography. He has designed and placed every snowflake in her path specifically for her to picture, adore, praise Him, and bring to others for enjoyment.
Melissa is a very firm believer in Romans 8:28-29, “And we know that all things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” Looking back, Melissa sees there have been specific joyful moments and trials in her life that were painted with real snow. She has come to see and hear God’s love, goodness, and purpose for her more in each of those moments through her writing and photography.
Melissa is a daughter of God, wife, mother, author, and macro photographer. She lives with her husband and children in Larkspur, Colorado. Her home has a beautiful view of Pike’s Peak, her favorite place on earth. Melissa has a heart for animals that is clearly visible through the pets she has adopted and loves. She enjoys fishing, reading, hiking, teaching and playing with her children, dates with her husband, and spending time in nature. The time she spends in nature tends to be some of her greatest time to be still and hear God. Melissa has come to embrace the cold of winter as much, if not more, as the warmth of summer. She recognizes God’s beauty all around.
Melissa grew up in church and was raised by Christian parents. She has always been open about her beliefs of Jesus, even to the point of being nicknamed ‘Preacher Girl’ in school. Her deep desire and confidence to spread the Good News of Jesus with all people was sparked through a mission trip and her time as a participant and volunteer with Dare 2 Share Ministries. Melissa’s desire for writing books comes directly from her desire to share God’s love with all people and nations so that none shall perish but have everlasting life with Him. She is eager to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus and all of her brothers and sisters in Christ.